This unit is intended to introduce the students to the fundamentals of web programming through the use of formal structured design methods.
The unit aims to develop students' understanding of:
1. Creating web pages and web sites
2. The basics of a web programming/object oriented programming language
3. The mechanism of client/server programming
4. Developing programs to connect a database and manipulate data
1. Introduction to the internet and the fundamentals of web design and development.
2. Commonly used markup languages e.g. HTML, XHTML, and XML.
3. Web programming using client-side e.g. AJAX and server-side programming e.g. PHP and Ruby.
4. Client-side as well as server-side programming concepts.
5. Skills and technologies required to set up a web server using UNIX, Linux or windows platform.
6. Using web application frameworks such as Cakephp & Ruby on Rails to create web applications
7. Security threats e.g. cross-site scripting and PHP and MySQL injection and prevention methods to avoid them.
8. Web databases using MySQL.
Assessment will be in accordance with the current BDTVEC Certification and Assessment Policy. The weighting and type of assessments will be as follows:
Consists of ONE (1) Phase
Test and TWO (2) assignments which aim to encourage individual learning
skills and team working skills.
‐Phase Test 1: Skill Area
538, 539.1, 539.2 (30%)
‐Assignment 1: Skill Area
539.3, 539.4, 540 (35%)
‐Assignment 2: Skill Area
541 (35%)
Download Course Materials (Course Outline, Slides, Assessment Papers)
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