Friday, January 23, 2015

Game Development for Beginners - Flapping Bird

Part of a series where I show you how to develop your own game.

This tutorial will cover about how to do your own version of flappy bird....with some more improvements!!

Construct 2: Flapping Bird - Step by Step from Shahed Chowdhuri

Part 2 - Improvements!!! Lolololol!!!11111

Construct 2: Flapping Bird Improvements from Shahed Chowdhuri

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Game Development for Beginners - Top View Shooter

Have you ever wanted to create your own game but have problems to start programming?
You are more of a designer rather than a programmer?
You are not a designer nor a programmer, but you want to create games?

Well then....I recommend you to try Construct 2 by Scirra!

Construct 2 is a free and easy tool that can help you start into game development.
The slide below is embedded from Slideshare. It's a step by step tutorial on how to create your first top-view shooter. In this tutorial, you will learn how to do the following in less than a day:
  • Create dynamic backgrounds for your game (raining, clouds, reflection on puddles)
  • Create a controllable player character that moves around using WSAD and rotates using mouse
  • Create enemies that can pursue the player!
  • Decrease player's life bar when enemies are 'touching' the player
  • Shoot laser from the player's gun on click or on the press of a button
  • Decrease enemies' life bar when the laser hit them
  • Get points after you've killed an enemy!
  • Game Over when your life is empty. Press a specific button to replay.
Sounds interesting? Let's start right away!

Intro to Construct 2: Ghost Shooter - Step by Step from Shahed Chowdhuri

Monday, January 19, 2015

Project Management Presentation (ended)

You rate their presentation!

Edit: Judging and marking presentation has ended.
Thanks for everyone involved!

Analysis is on the way.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Using XSL to show image from XML string | XML, XSL, PHP tutorial

This tutorial focuses on using PHP to add an item or a 'child' to an XML file.
Basically, what we are going to do in this tutorial is to show the data from XML:

into this:

The full tutorial is accessible by clicking "Read More" ->

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Entity Relationship Diagram for System Analysis and Design

'Sup. This is to explain further about some technical topics that students might find overwhelming in SAD. The topics in question are: Context Diagram, Data Flow Diagram, Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD), and Normalization (Unnormalized table -> 1NF -> 2NF -> 3NF).

In order to clarify those topics, some external resources are listed and included in this post.

Entity Relationship Diagram:

1. Tameemyousaf's ER-D in simple words and  easy to understand notations:

2. How to Draw an Effective ER diagram by Tech_MX

3. PDF: Weak Entity?

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4. More on ER-D entity types.

5. We have a different way of showing cardinality, either using crow's foot or using numbers (1:N)

It appears you don't have a PDF plugin for this browser. No biggie... you can click here to download the PDF file.

I hope students and lecturers alike will find the information above useful.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Add Chen Notation for Visio (ERD for System Analysis and Design)

When drawing ERD on MS Visio, you might find that the default ERD shapes provided in Visio is not enough to draw an ERD that shows the relationship, cardinality, and entity attributes.

To solve this, we just have to download and install external 3rd party shapes.

Visio® Stencil Installation Instructions 

To properly install and use a Visio® stencil:

  1. Download the stencil, saving with a .vss extension.

    Download Chen's ER-D Stencil from the following site:

  2.  or from visio cafe:

  3. Open Microsoft Office® Visio® 2007 document (may be a blank document, or template file).
  4. Click the File menu.
  5. Click Shapes.
  6. Click Open Stencil…
  7. Find and select the .vss file on your computer and click Open.
  8. The stencil shapes should now appear on the left side of the workspace.
Enjoy! :)